
Do you need a dental crown

Wondering if You Really Need a Dental Crown? Consider These 5 Pointers

Restore the look and strength of your tooth with a dental crown. Dental crowns are a common procedure for restoring damaged or decayed teeth. They provide a strong and durable outer shell that protects the vulnerable inner layers of the tooth. However, many patients are apprehensive about having a dental crown placed. You should discuss…
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What is CEREC technology

With the Newest CEREC Technology, Getting a Dental Crown Is Easy

There’s no doubt that dental technology has evolved. And one of the most remarkable new dental offerings is CEREC. But what is CEREC technology exactly? CEREC stands for Chairside Economical Restoration of Esthetic Ceramics, and it makes it faster and easier for your dentist to fit you for a filling or crown. What is CEREC…
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Is thumb-sucking ok

Is Thumb-sucking Actually a Problem?

Many younger children suck their thumbs at some point in their childhood. Thumb-sucking can be considered a coping mechanism for some children, but new parents may be wondering if thumb-sucking is a habit they should have their children avoid. Why Children Suck Their Thumbs Most children will, at some point, suck their thumb. Many children…
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Goods night's sleep bedtime routine

How To Create the Perfect Family Bedtime Routine for a Good Night’s Sleep

Stay on track in the morning with a good night’s rest. A good night’s sleep is very important for everyone, as it helps you feel refreshed, strengthens your immune system, and lowers your risk of heart disease. A good night’s sleep can also keep you alert and on track and focused during the day. But…
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Establish a great morning routine

4 Keys for Building the Perfect Morning Routine for Your Family

Start the new year off right by creating a morning routine for your family. Mornings can be hard on parents and kids. No one wants to wake up on time. Everyone is rushing around to get out the door. But what if you had a morning routine for your family? Think of all of the…
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Children's dentist visit ideas

Get Your Children Excited About Dental Visits With These 3 Ideas

How To Get Your Kids Excited About the Children’s Dentist Just like regular pediatric checkups are important to their overall health, twice-yearly dental checkups are important to the health of your child’s teeth. But if your child is nervous about visiting the children’s dentist in Boise, Idaho, how can you get them excited about the…
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How much does a tooth implant cost

Yes, Dental Implants Are Amazing, but Can You Afford Them?

How much does a tooth implant cost? According to the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, American adults between the ages of 20 and 64 have only an average of 25.5 teeth remaining. This is a staggering statistic when you think about it, considering adults should have 32 teeth. And this simply highlights the…
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How important is flossing

Do This 90 Seconds Daily, and Your Future Self Will Thank You

How important is flossing? Most adults are good at finding time to brush their teeth each day. After all, brushing your teeth not only helps to prevent halitosis (bad breath) but also helps prevent tooth decay (cavities). But various studies have shown that nearly 30% of adults lie to their dentist about how often they…
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What is the best tooth replacement option for you

What Is the Right Fit for You: A Bridge, Partial Dentures, or Dental Implants?

Missing one or several teeth can severely affect your quality of life. Studies show up to 69 percent of adults aged 35 to 44 have lost at least one permanent tooth. Thankfully, dental technology has advanced, and when it comes to the best tooth replacement option you’ll find that they’re so good that you might…
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Dental implants process

7 Things You Can Expect Throughout the Process of Getting Dental Implants

So you’re getting dental implants. Whether you have one missing tooth or several, you and your dentist have decided you’re a good candidate for dental implants. The titanium implant will replace your natural tooth root, stimulating your jawbone and providing your new artificial tooth with the strong foundation it needs. You’re a good candidate for…
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