Get Your Children Excited About Dental Visits With These 3 Ideas

Children's dentist visit ideas

How To Get Your Kids Excited About the Children’s Dentist

Just like regular pediatric checkups are important to their overall health, twice-yearly dental checkups are important to the health of your child’s teeth. But if your child is nervous about visiting the children’s dentist in Boise, Idaho, how can you get them excited about the experience instead? There are many things you can do to get your child to look forward to seeing Dr. Staley and his team.

1. Teach through play.

The best way for children to learn about something is through play. Through play, a child can become familiar with something they have no experience with and learn about it in a way that is fun and age-appropriate. Here are three great ideas, each tailored to a different type of learner.


For children who love watching videos, check out this video that shows the type of people who work in a dental office like Staley Dental. The video also introduces dental instruments and their uses and shows the instruments being used on a child at the dental office. The video also emphasizes the importance of proper brushing and other good dental hygiene habits.

“Sesame Street,” the beloved children’s program, also devoted an entire episode to a trip to the dentist. You can watch that video here. In the episode, Elmo and friends use a toy alligator to play dentist to show the other characters what happens. The characters then go to a dental appointment, where they learn what dental instruments are and how the dentist uses them. Elmo and friends also learn how to brush their teeth. This episode is perfect for toddlers and school-age children who may be apprehensive about visiting Dr. Staley because it shows familiar characters experiencing the dentist for the first time.


If you are looking for a storybook, visit your local library to find one about going to the dentist. Sometimes a familiar character can help a child cope with their emotions and anxieties. Some of our favorite dental-related storybooks are “The Berenstain Bears Visit the Dentist,” by Stan and Jan Berenstain, and “Elmo Visits the Dentist,” by P.J. Shaw. There are similar books available for every age group, so be sure to ask your librarian for suggestions!


For children who want a hands-on experience, why not try a toy? Melissa and Doug have created a Super Smile Dentist Kit Play Set that includes 25 pieces related to the dental office. With this toy set, your child will learn all about the different types of teeth and where they are in the mouth, as well as how to brush and floss properly.

And if your child is curious about what Dr. Staley’s office looks like, he offers a virtual tour of his Boise, Idaho, office on his website!

2. Go shopping.

What better way to get excited about a new experience than to purchase the proper tools to help out? In this case, take your child to the store so they can pick out their very own toothbrush and toothpaste. Make sure to look for brands with the American Dental Association (ADA) seal of approval. Children should look for a special child-size toothbrush with soft bristles. Let your child pick out a toothbrush in their favorite color or with their favorite cartoon character on it, followed by a toothpaste in a fun flavor. Now it’s time to go home and use their new tools!

3. Show enthusiasm at home.

Children learn from you—so setting a good example at home is key. Along with teaching your children the proper way to brush their teeth, make brushing a family experience and have everyone brush together. You can sing silly songs about brushing your teeth while engaging your child in a good daily dental hygiene routine.

Plan your visit.

Dr. Staley and our team can’t wait to meet you and your children! We work hard to keep everyone comfortable during their dental visits and make them as peaceful and positive as we can. If you are ready to book your appointment to see Dr. Staley, give our office a call, or you can make an appointment online. We hope to see you soon!