
What is the best kind of toothbrush

A Complete Guide on Dentist-Approved Toothbrushes, Toothpaste, and Floss

We spend a lot of time caring for our teeth and gums, and rightfully so. With an average lifespan of 79 years and brushing teeth twice a day for two minutes at a time, we’ll easily brush our teeth about 1440 minutes per year. That’s a total of 79 full days throughout our lifetime! But…
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It's best to see your dentist regularly

4 Common Roadblocks To Seeing Your Dentist Regularly

Have you been avoiding a trip to the dentist? If so, you’re not alone. At Staley Dental, we’ve heard all the reasons why patients skip out on or reschedule their visits to the dentist. In most cases, patients tell us they are too busy. With hectic schedules at work to a demanding social life, it’s…
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Christmas in Boise

10 Boise, Idaho, Christmas Attractions for the Entire Family

Time sure flies by. It seems like fall just arrived, and now Christmas decorations are adorning the shelves at local shops and convenience stores. Families all across the United States are starting to make their holiday and winter plans, and calendars are filling up. If you are ready to put together a list of fun…
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Traditional or CEREC same day crowns

Do CEREC Same Day Crowns Hold Up as Well as Traditional Crowns?

Understanding How CEREC Same Day Crowns Compare Nowadays, modern dental crowns can be made from a wide variety of materials. Being able to choose which type of material your crown will be made from gives you more control over your treatment, allowing you to receive a crown that meets both your treatment needs and goals.…
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Same day crowns in Boise ID

5 Benefits of Same Day Crowns in Boise, ID

Unfortunately, our teeth can get damaged over time. If you think about it, they sustain significant wear and tear from biting, chewing, and gnawing at foods daily. And despite our best efforts to maintain a good oral care routine at home, sometimes our teeth need additional support, which can come in the form of a…
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Benefits of dental implants

4 Key Benefits of Dental Implants You Might Not Have Thought of

Dental implants are a unique treatment with unique benefits. When it comes to replacing missing teeth, dental implants are a unique option that has a long list of clear benefits. Their customized design and ability to look completely natural means that they give you your smile back—and with it, increase your confidence. They also restore…
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You can cure gingivitis

Yes, You Can Cure Gingivitis! 5 Things You Need to Know

Healthy gums are part of the groundwork for a long, healthy life When you think about your oral health and going to the dentist, you likely think first about the health of your teeth. While the health of your teeth themselves is certainly important, other elements of your oral health are just as vital—especially your…
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Wisdom teeth removal

5 Things You Should Know about Your Wisdom Teeth Removal

Wisdom Tooth Extraction Picture this: you pack your favorite meal in the world for lunch – maybe it’s your grandmother’s apple pie or a classic PB&J. Your mouth is watering at the thought of taking your first bite, but when you do, you feel a pain radiating from the very back of your jaw. You…
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Prosthodontist in Boise ID

Can My Boise, ID, Dentist Do Prosthodontic Procedures?

Understanding New Terms Related to Your Treatment Just like any other medical field, dentistry has a range of specialties that are each designed to give you the highest quality care in a particular area. If you’re getting a treatment like a dental implant, you might have recently heard about one of these specialties for the…
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Dental implants in Boise ID

10 Frequently Asked Questions About Dental Implants

Learning what truly sets dental implants apart Dental implants are widely regarded as the best and most versatile tooth replacement option that modern dentistry has to offer—and with so many tooth replacement options available nowadays, that’s quite an accomplishment! Because of this, if you’re looking to replace a missing tooth, dental implants are one of…
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