
Day White vs. Zoom!

Day White vs. Zoom! Teeth Whitening Solutions

Teeth whitening is becoming an increasingly popular bucket list item for people of all ages. In particular, however, more and more twenty-somethings are flocking to their local cosmetic dentist in Boise, ID, and for a good reason. No one wants a dull yellow smile!  Both Day White and Zoom! teeth whitening treatments can help you…
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healthy food for teeth

Eat Your Way to Healthier Teeth

We all know how important a healthy diet is, but there are particular healthy foods you can consume that can help keep your teeth nice and healthy, too! Which Vitamins And Minerals To Look For We all know how important fresh fruits and vegetables are to our diet. When you eat foods that are rich…
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Does insurance cover dental implants

Will My Insurance Cover Dental Implants?

Funding Your Dental Implant Makeover The beauty, strength, and long-term health benefits of dental implants are hard to beat. They realistically mimic the look and feel of natural teeth, and even the downside of their lengthy healing period is offset by the advantage of lasting a lifetime. But there is one factor that’s important to…
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There's a reason dental implants are so popular

6 Reasons Dental Implants Have Become So Popular in the 21st Century

Unique Advantages of Modern Dental Implants Dental implant restorations have rapidly become one of the most in-demand procedures for replacing missing teeth. The latest research shows that over 3 million implants are placed in the United States annually. Additionally, patients interested in implant restorations no longer need to find a specialist or prosthodontist for dental…
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CEREC can restore your smile

The Power of CEREC To Restore Your Smile

A Better Crown Experience With CEREC In the past, getting a dental crown was quite the time commitment. It used to require at least two appointments, and they were spread out over two to three weeks, allowing enough time for an off-site lab to make the permanent crown. This could be a frustrating process for…
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So much fun to be had during summer in Boise

The Ultimate List of Things To Do This Summer in Boise

Your Guide to a Fun Summer in Boise for the Whole Family It’s almost summertime in Boise, and it’s time to start planning some family fun to keep the kids busy during school break. Summertime is the best time for family activities, and there are so many things to do in the summer in Boise…
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Get periodontal disease treatment early

Your Guide to Periodontal Disease Treatment Methods

Starting Your Journey to a Healthier Smile When something affects half of all adults, we tend to pay attention. Whether it’s good or bad, we begin counting our odds and thinking of ways we can either increase or decrease our own chances of experiencing it. Periodontal disease is one of those things, as it impacts…
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Tooth extraction preparation

How to Prepare for a Tooth Extraction

Making your tooth extraction as easy and stress-free as possible. While your teeth are designed to last a lifetime, it’s not unusual to need a tooth extraction at some point in your life. It’s actually incredibly common, as about 85% of people will need at least one wisdom tooth extracted,  and this doesn’t even cover…
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Get relief from TMJ disorder

Learn About the Symptoms and Solutions for TMJ Disorder

Understanding Your TMJ Disorder Diagnosis Day in and day out, we trust even the most complex parts of our bodies to function the way they should. We don’t think about whether our fingers will be able to fly across our keyboards at work, or whether our jaws will work smoothly, allowing us to enjoy a…
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You can prevent periodontal disease

Understand the Causes and Types of Periodontal Disease

Understanding gum disease helps you build a healthier smile. While teeth often take center stage in your smile and discussions about oral health, your gums have just as vital a part to play in a beautiful, healthy smile. They’re an essential part of the supporting structure of your teeth, holding them securely in place and…
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