Day White vs. Zoom! Teeth Whitening Solutions

Day White vs. Zoom!

Teeth whitening is becoming an increasingly popular bucket list item for people of all ages. In particular, however, more and more twenty-somethings are flocking to their local cosmetic dentist in Boise, ID, and for a good reason. No one wants a dull yellow smile! 

Both Day White and Zoom! teeth whitening treatments can help you achieve a smile eight shades whiter than the smile you have today. Imagine what a boost that will give to your self-confidence. You won’t be able to help but smile at everyone you greet.

Why get a professional teeth whitening treatment?

Besides wanting a brighter smile, do you know all the benefits that professional teeth whitening treatment can provide? Check out this list of all the great things you can expect as a result of your teeth whitening treatment:

  • Remove discoloration.
  • Remove unsightly stains that have built up over the years.
  • Enhance your self-esteem and confidence.
  • Help you smile more often because of your bright, white, and welcoming smile.
  • Reduce bacteria.
  • Take years off your appearance.
  • Be ready for that event of a lifetime – a wedding, class reunion, or speaking engagement, for instance.
  • Offer a quick and painless procedure.

With all of these benefits, why put off a brighter and whiter smile any longer?

What You Should Know About Day White vs. Zoom! Teeth Whitening

If you are seeking a smile makeover that includes teeth whitening, you should look into the details about the options available. Staley Dental of Boise, Idaho, offers two convenient types of teeth whitening. And both of these procedures, Day White and Zoom! Are great for patients looking to solve the following dental problems.

  • Excessive fluoridation during tooth development (fluorosis)
  • Stained teeth from medications such as tetracycline, etc.
  • Yellow, brown stained teeth
  • Normal wear of outer tooth layer

What is Day White?

At Staley Dental, we understand that not all of our patients want to wear strips or have whitening trays in all night. That’s why we offer the Day White solution. Day White® treatment only takes one hour per day and is less expensive than many in-office alternatives.

Day White is a popular choice for those seeking a cost-effective, at-home option that is more powerful than what can be purchased off the shelf at your local convenience store. It’s also a great choice for those that experience dental anxiety and prefer that at-home experience. 

Though Staley Dental offers a calm and comfortable dental environment, Day White is designed for use during daytime hours, all in the comfort of your own home.

Our patients frequently tell us that Day White is user-friendly. Your at-home kit will include a potent whitening gel, a patented syringe, and customized special whitening trays. And even better, you can anticipate teeth that are as much as fourteen shades whiter in just under two weeks.

Candidates for Day White include those with healthy teeth. If you have gum disease or tooth decay, we must treat these conditions before you begin your teeth whitening treatment. Additionally, Day White cannot remove deep or inorganic stains, so be sure to check with your dentist to manage your expectations. Finally, while your gel is on your teeth, you must refrain from smoking, eating, or drinking.

What is Zoom! Teeth Whitening?

If you have the time to commit to an in-office treatment, then Zoom! is for you. Zoom! In-office teeth whitening combines the latest advances in modern cosmetic dental technology with proven chemical formulas. Your bleaching experience will be painless, and your results will be satisfying. Many patients at Staley Dental prefer Zoom! because we can treat all teeth simultaneously, results will last longer, you will experience reduced sensitivity post-treatment, and the treatment is done in-chair by an experienced dental professional.

Similar to Day White, candidates for Zoom! must have healthy teeth. Before undergoing Zoom!, you will have a consultation with your dentist to discuss the treatment and what to expect. During your consultation, we’ll determine if you are a candidate and walk you through factors that will impact your teeth whitening results. Post-treatment results will vary based on the severity of staining and the condition of your teeth. If tooth decay or gum disease is an issue, we will need to treat these conditions before you can undergo a teeth whitening treatment.

Day White and Zoom! Teeth Whitening are great options for dental patients in Boise, Idaho.

At Staley Dental, we offer both types of teeth whitening treatments. The decision on which treatment is right for you is largely a personal one, but we’re happy to answer any questions you might have so that you can make an informed decision.

We offer only the best teeth whitening options, and we are experienced in what we do. So if you are looking for a smile makeover and want brighter and whiter teeth, consider Day White or Zoom! Teeth Whitening at Staley Dental in Boise, Idaho.

Request an appointment for your consultation today. Whether you add teeth whitening to your list of summer things to do in Boise or just want information now to make a decision later, we’re happy to help answer your questions.