
Treatment for jaw pain

Jaw Pain? Get The Right Diagnosis And Treatment

If you have unstable joints or your bite is imbalanced, the natural thing for your body to do is overcorrect them. The result is often grinding or clenching of your teeth. Your muscles may become tired. You may experience pain in or around your ear. And you may even find that other parts of your…
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Snoring can be a sign of sleep apnea

Snoring? Sleep Apnea Is a Hidden Killer

It seems like sleep apnea is one of those ailments that people don’t talk about. And if you have never been diagnosed with it, then why worry yourself, right? Well, if you aren’t waking up refreshed despite giving yourself the opportunity for seven to nine hours of sleep per night, if you wake up with…
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Sleep apnea symptoms

Sleep Apnea Symptoms: 9 Signs You May Have It!

Did you know that the average adult requires approximately seven to nine hours of sleep per night? According to the Sleep Foundation, a good night’s sleep is essential to be at your best both mentally and physically. When we don’t get enough sleep, it can increase your risk of developing high blood pressure, diabetes, heart…
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Dental technology at its best

The Dentist of the Future Is Here

Advancements in Dental Technology When was the last time you stopped to smell the roses? Or more specifically, when was the last time you stopped to reflect on all of the advancements that we have seen around the globe in recent decades? If you are like many adults, you’ve probably thought about it at the…
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Get back-to-school ready in Boise,ID!

5 Ways to Make Back to School Season a Breeze

“Back to school” is right around the corner.  With the 4th of July past us now, it seems the next thing to focus on is back to school. Though some kids might not be super happy about getting back into the classroom, other students and pretty much all parents are likely anxiously awaiting the return…
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Dental sealants: raincoats for teeth

Dental Sealants Can Prevent Cavities In Children

Dental sealants can prevent childhood cavities. Brushing and flossing at least twice a day are great oral habits to get into, but even with excellent brushing and flossing habits, your teeth still have many nooks and crannies where bacteria can find a place to call home. To help preserve their child’s teeth, and maybe save…
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Don't let dental anxiety keep you from the dentist

How to Overcome Fear and Anxiety Before Your Next Dentist Appointment

Are you dealing with dental anxiety? If you find yourself dealing with dental anxiety, you’re definitely not alone. Studies show that as many as 50% to 80% of adults deal with some degree of dental anxiety, ranging from mild to severe. There are so many reasons someone might feel anxious about visiting their dentist, and…
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How many teeth do I have

Can You Count Your Teeth, and Do You Know Their Names?

Answer your kids’ dental questions with confidence! As kids get older, they ask lots of questions. Though many of these questions can feel overwhelming and poorly timed, it’s essential to know that these questions are healthy and a critical part of childhood development. Starting around age three, kids tend to ask many “why” questions. They…
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tongue piercing dangers

Tongue Piercing, Smokeless Tobacco, and Your Teen’s Oral Health

What are the biggest risks to adolescent oral health? Without a doubt, tongue piercing has gained popularity in recent years. Though this practice has been around since the ancient Aztecs and the Mayans introduced it centuries ago, today’s teens and people of all ages have decided to try it. A few short years ago, 28…
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avoid baby bottle tooth decay

Baby Bottles, Sippy Cups, and Your Child’s Dental Health

Little ones sure require a lot of items to keep them content. You name it: bassinets, strollers, blankets, pacifiers, baby bottles, sippy cups… Packing up for a trip can require an extra vehicle at times! And though we laugh it off because we know it is only temporary, parents of young children often don’t think…
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