
Preventive dentistry near Boise ID

6 Preventive Dental Treatments to Keep Your Oral Health in Great Shape

Incorporating Preventive Measures Into Your Dental Routine Oral health is essential to your overall well-being, and maintaining healthy teeth and gums is vital to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. However, preventive dental treatments can also be crucial in maintaining optimal oral health. In this blog post, we discuss 6 preventive dental treatments that can help keep…
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Do sleep apnea appliances work

Who Can Benefit From a Custom-Made Sleep Apnea Appliance?

Are you or your loved one having trouble sleeping at night? Does your partner snore loudly or gasp for air during their sleep? If so, they may suffer from sleep apnea, a common sleep disorder affecting millions worldwide. Around 18% of the adult population in the U.S. suffers from sleep apnea, with an estimated 22…
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What is the history is tooth implants

Did You Know These 6 Facts About the History Behind Tooth Implants?

The history of dental implants may surprise you. Did you know that the history of dental implants goes back centuries? In fact, ancient civilizations like the Egyptians and Mayans used various materials to replace missing teeth, including animal teeth and shells. Bamboo pegs were used in China as early as 4,000 years ago to replace…
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Is it hard to eat with a missing tooth

7 Ways Eating With Missing Teeth Is Difficult, And How Implants Help

The Vital Role Our Teeth Play in Our Overall Health We all aspire to have a beautiful smile. But the fact is that a beautiful and healthy smile is not just nice to look at, but it also plays a vital role in our overall health and well-being. Unfortunately, tooth loss becomes a common problem…
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Why do I fear the dentist so much

5 Common Fears People May Have Associated With Visiting the Dentist

About 36% of people in the U.S. have a fear of seeking dental treatments, and 12% of those have an extreme fear. And while 36% might not seem bad, 36% represents over 119 million people in our country alone. And when people fear going to the dentist, it can make seeking dental care challenging. However,…
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Know how to prevent cavities

8 Things You Can Do to Stay Ahead of the Game and Prevent Cavities

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that at least one in four adults between 20 and 64 has at least one cavity. And while cavities are common, leaving them untreated can lead to various issues later, including gum disease, tooth loss, and more. Taking steps to prevent cavities in the first place,…
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How to teach kids about oral health

12 Fun Children’s Books That Teach Kids About Their Oral and Overall Health

Research has shown that kids with parents who read to them daily are exposed to at least 290,000 additional words before they begin kindergarten, compared with children who are not read to regularly. Reading to your kids exposes them to new vocabulary and sets them up to read on their own faster and more proficiently.…
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Why is titanium the best for implants

6 Ways Titanium Implants Are so Good (and Safe) for Your Tooth Restoration

Did you know that by age 50, most Americans have lost an average of 12 teeth? That’s a pretty staggering number considering that adults start with only 32 teeth. But leaving missing teeth untreated can lead to various oral health issues that can impact your overall health, too. That’s why it is essential to work…
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It's actually important to replace missing teeth

Missing One or More Teeth? 6 Reasons to Fill the Gap and Restore Your Smile

Benefits of Replacing Missing Teeth Are you living with one or more missing teeth or facing upcoming extractions? Tooth loss is a big problem for adults in America, with the average person missing 12 teeth by age 50, including the four wisdom teeth often extracted in early adulthood. Thankfully, modern dentistry has several options that…
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What is prosthodontics

5 Reasons To See a Dentist That Offers Prosthodontics in Their Practice

What is prosthodontics? Many things can leave teeth worn down, damaged, and broken, from tooth decay to gum disease, behaviors like bruxism, and accidental injuries. But just because enamel damage can be irreversible doesn’t mean patients have to live with its effects permanently. Prosthodontics, a specialized field of dental care, uses restorative and cosmetic procedures…
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