5 Ways to Make Back to School Season a Breeze

Get back-to-school ready in Boise,ID!

“Back to school” is right around the corner. 

With the 4th of July past us now, it seems the next thing to focus on is back to school. Though some kids might not be super happy about getting back into the classroom, other students and pretty much all parents are likely anxiously awaiting the return of a routine. So now, the next step to ensure a successful back-to-school season in Boise, ID, is to maximize the remaining weeks of summer while also checking off all those items on the school checklist.

How can I make back-to-school season a bit easier for my family?

We know a new school year can sometimes come with some trepidation—a new grade, new teachers, and hopefully, even some new friends to add to the mix. Some kids struggle with change, especially in their younger years. And if you think back to when you were young, you may recall that the idea of something foreign or different was indeed a bit scary. This is why you and all the other great adults in your child’s life need to set a great example and be supportive so they can make a smooth and successful transition back to the classroom. 

To help make it a bit easier, we have created a quick list of things to check off the back to school checklist before that first day of school is finally here.

1. Download the back-to-school checklist from your child’s school’s website.

Many schools today create a list of back-to-school essentials and add them to the school website for easy download. Typical school supplies are listed, such as folders, pens, pencils, erasers, and more. Many schools also include a list of things that can be donated to the classroom for all students to use, like tissues, paper towels, dry erase markers, Ziploc bags, and more. 

Starting your back-to-school shopping now can help ensure you get what your child needs before the inevitable supply chain issues start to crop up as late August and early September get nearer. Be sure to also add school-friendly items, such as toothbrushes and soft picks, to the back-to-school shopping list.

2. Create your back-to-school checklist extension.

Just because your child’s school provides a list of what they will need in the classroom doesn’t mean those are the only things your child will need to get or do before the first day of school. Back-to-school preparation is about far more. So, grab that school checklist and start brainstorming on the other essentials that need to be accomplished between now and then, like your child’s annual wellness examination or immunizations. 

Also, at the top of the list should be your child’s dentist appointment so you can stay on top of their oral health. Staley Dental and dentists across the globe recommend that your child see the dentist every six months for an oral examination and dental cleaning. Don’t delay; get those crucial appointments on the calendar today.

3. Talk to your child about healthy food choices for school lunches and after-school snacks. 

As your child heads off to school, they’ll likely need to make many choices daily. They choose to pay attention to their classroom lessons. They decide to be nice to others. And if they elect a hot lunch at school, they must also choose what to put on their lunch tray. Thankfully, parents can rest assured that Idaho schools provide nutritious menu choices for students. 

Initiatives, such as farm to school and the fresh, fruit, and vegetable program, can help, but this doesn’t mean parents can’t help guide their children from a distance on good food choices. So before the summer ends, start weaving healthy food choices and snacks into your child’s daily meal routine. Consider tooth-friendly foods and beverages, such as cheese, milk, yogurt, water, celery, carrots, leafy greens, nuts, lean meats, and fatty fish.

4. Start getting into the new routine about two weeks before school begins.

It seems that our home routines change as soon as the school year ends. We let the kids stay up a bit later, sleep in longer, and even lounge around the house more than normal. Though these changes in routine are fun, they are often far easier to adopt than change. This means that waiting until the day before school starts to send your child to bed at their normal bedtime might not be all that effective or realistic. We recommend you start shifting those bedtimes and wake-up times about two weeks before school starts. Even little shifts, like ten minutes a day, can make a difference and help ensure your child is awake and alert in the classroom. 

5. Get that backpack packed and ready to go.

Don’t wait until the night before school starts to get your child’s backpack ready to go. Without fail, there is a chance you will forget something, even with the best school checklist and best-laid plans. Make sure all items your child will need for the classroom make it into the bag and are easy to find. And remember those tooth-friendly tools we mentioned earlier? Don’t forget to put some school-friendly toothbrushes and soft picks into a plastic baggy for a mid-day oral refresh. 

Cross off one of those back-to-school checklist items today by scheduling your child’s dental appointment. 

Help your kid start the school year off with a healthy, bright, and white smile. If your child is overdue for their six-month dental cleaning, now is the time to reprioritize their oral health by requesting a dentist appointment. The team at Staley Dental in Boise, Idaho, are experts in pediatric dentistry and are excited to help your child’s smile be as healthy as possible for the first day of school. Request their back-to-school dental cleaning today.