5 Common Causes of Toothache and How to Beat Them

Find the cause and cure for a toothache

How to get rid of  what’s causing your toothache.

Whether your toothache is a persistent jab or a throbbing pain that comes and goes, your first thought is usually, “How do I make the pain go away?” Here, we look at the common causes of a toothache and how you can get rid of the pain at home before going in to see the dentist. Hold on to your jaw a little longer because you may just find relief in the next sentence… or two.

1. Toothache From Tooth Decay

Top of our list of common causes of toothaches has to be tooth decay. An oral problem dentist dub “the silent killer” because of how subtle the earliest symptoms are, increasing the chances of developing a toothache later. Often a consequence of poor oral hygiene, tooth decay creates small holes on your enamel that grow larger as time goes on. When left untreated, the decay may spread to the nerve tissues at the center of your tooth, irritating the structures and causing tooth sensitivity and even pain.

How to get rid of the pain: The best way to deal with tooth decay that’s causing pain is to book an appointment with your dentist right away. Swishing a salt water rinse in your mouth may also help to relieve the pain as you wait for your appointment.

2. Pain From An Abscess

Normally an abscess occurs once a cavity reaches the pulp chamber, when a big portion of your tooth breaks off due to injury, or as the result of frequent teeth grinding and jaw clenching. The infection may enter your bloodstream and quickly spread to other parts of your body. Left untreated, an abscess threatens not only the health of your tooth but also your overall health.

How to get rid of the pain: You may find relief from the throbbing pain of an abscessed tooth by using over-the-counter pain medication. Coconut oil could also draw the infection out, allowing the sore spot on your gums to deflate. The best way to deal with a painful abscess, however, is to take a trip to the dentist. Your dental health professional may be able to save the tooth with a root canal and take other measures to help control and get rid of the infection as well as the pain.

3. Toothache From Oral Trauma

Oral trauma, like a broken tooth from a facial injury or tooth loss from a fall, usually also comes with a toothache or soreness. You may find it difficult to bite or chew as you normally would and also notice an increased sensitivity to hold or cold foods. For most people, these symptoms may not come right away, but the discomfort and soreness will most likely worsen the longer you wait to have the dental injury treated.

How to get rid of the pain: Apply a cold compress to the outside of your cheek at the affected area. The low temperatures help to keep the swelling down and relieve some of your pain. A dental anesthetic like Orajel also works in almost the same way as a cold compress. You may want to consider taping gauze or a piece of gum on the jugged edges of a broken tooth to keep the uneven surface from hurting your lips, tongue, or cheek. Make sure you also contact your dentist right away for an emergency visit before the pain worsens.

4. Painful Wisdom Teeth

When wisdom teeth emerge at an awkward angle or there’s not enough room in your jaw for them to fully grow, it can cause some discomfort. You’ll know this is happening by the visible red area at the back of your mouth near the molar region. That soreness may quickly grow into pain as your wisdom teeth continue to grow, particularly if the tooth presses on a nerve and bone or pushes against the adjacent teeth. Wisdom teeth that don’t fully break through often leave the gums vulnerable to bacteria and infections, which may also cause tenderness or even pain.

How to get rid of the pain: Be sure to book an appointment with your dentist to have the wisdom teeth removed. Until then, you can relieve some of your pain with over-the-counter painkillers like Ibuprofen. Chewing on an onion can also reduce gum inflammation and bacteria in your mouth.

5. Tooth Sensitivity

Now this is a discomfort that’s not usually persistent but is more of a throbbing pain that comes and goes. You’ll typically feel it when your teeth come into contact with hot or cold foods, and it’s likely because of thinning enamel or gum recession.

How to get rid of the pain: Switching to a toothpaste designed for people with tooth sensitivity may take care of mild cases of this oral issue. Your dentist can guide you toward the best option. If the sensitivity lasts for hours or comes with a dull ache when you bite down, you may need to have a chat with your dental health professional as it could be a sign of an underlying, untreated oral problem.

Start your toothach-free life today!

Tooth pain interferes with your sleep and makes it almost impossible to enjoy your day or focus on your work. But there’s no reason to live with it any longer than you should. Dr. Staley and our team of dental professionals have the experience of treating different causes of tooth pain and eliminating discomfort. Book your appointment today and it may just be the start of your oral pain-free life!