4 Things to Expect if You Need a Root Canal Procedure

Root canal procedure

Root canals are important.

A root canal is an important procedure that can save a natural tooth in cases of severe decay or damage. This treatment has developed a reputation for being an unpleasant experience, but popular opinion about root canals isn’t very accurate. Here are four things you can expect during a root canal procedure.

1. Root canal therapy is a pain-free procedure.

One of the first questions patients ask about root canal treatment is, “Do root canals hurt?” Popular media and other sources generally portray the procedure as painful, but this isn’t accurate. Instead, your root canal treatment should be completely pain-free.

Your procedure will be carried out under a local anesthetic. This type of anesthetic numbs a specific area. It’s the same process used to keep you comfortable during a routine filling. While a root canal deals with more serious tooth decay, the principle is the same.

In fact, this procedure can provide relief from pain associated with tooth decay or injury. The process involves removing the nerve tissue and pulp inside the tooth. This serves to prevent infection and also provides relief from toothaches or other oral pain without the need for extraction.

2. Your treatment will be over before you know it.

Our patients often ask, “How long do root canals take?” This treatment is the most serious dental procedure many of our patients ever experience. This can cause significant concern, as they believe the more complex process could require an extended stay in the dentist’s chair.

While it is more involved than a simple filling, a root canal procedure is still fairly straightforward. It generally takes between 30 and 60 minutes. The dentist will create an opening at the top of the tooth, use special tools to remove pulp and nerve tissue, and fill the tooth with specialized material. The process is very similar to filling a large cavity.

Most root canal treatments also call for dental crown placement to ensure the strength and integrity of the tooth. There are a variety of crown options available, depending on your needs and preferences. Some can be placed on the same day as the procedure, and others at a later date.

3. You’ll have a fast recovery.

Many patients are concerned about root canal recovery time. However, recovery after treatment is similar to recovery after a simple filling. It isn’t like wisdom tooth removal or other types of tooth extraction that have a list of aftercare requirements to follow.

While recovery is not difficult, you may experience some irritation and soreness. These symptoms generally fade within 24 to 48 hours after your treatment. Beyond that, you shouldn’t experience any other issues. Over-the-counter pain medication and home remedies like ice packs should be more than enough to deal with any discomfort.

There are no complex aftercare instructions following your root canal treatment. You should avoid eating for a few hours, but that’s just to ensure that the local anesthetic has worn off so you don’t accidentally bite the inside of your mouth. If you experience tooth sensitivity, you can avoid chewing in that area for a few days.

4. Your dentist will let you know what to expect during a root canal.

You can discuss any specific concerns you have about root canal treatment with your family dentist in Boise, ID. If you’re experiencing a toothache or other signs that you may need this treatment, you should schedule an appointment right away.

You’ll have time to discuss your options before committing to root canal treatment, so having a personal consultation is your best option. If you’re facing dental anxiety or have other specific needs, accommodations such as sedation dentistry could allow us to offer a better experience.

Avoiding root canal treatment when you need it can be a serious mistake. When left untreated, severe tooth decay can affect your other teeth and gums and require even more severe intervention. If tooth decay or infection continues to worsen, you could soon find yourself in need of tooth extraction instead.

Get the best in oral health at Staley Dental.

At Staley Dental, we are your family dentist in Boise, ID, for routine care and restorative procedures like root canal therapy. We ensure that you receive effective treatment in a calm and comfortable environment, delivering lasting protection for your smile.

In most cases, you’ll need a dental crown after root canal treatment to ensure the strength and integrity of the tooth. You can check back for more about how Staley Dental provides beautiful and convenient dental crowns, or reach out today to schedule an appointment for your dental needs.